Basis noosphere cooperation. Classless Social Internationale XXI century is born in the form of non-class intellectual community - likely noosphere global cooperative. Its social base is intelligent, informative proletariat - the main productive force of the global information society. Information Proletarian doing its job in the office and at home , and in the presence of mobile phones and laptop - virtually anywhere, anytime . There is increasing non-commercial forms of cooperation between people. New Internet technologies have a unique opportunity to focus million. "Information proletariat" kommunikativen and able to cooperate and interact .
Ключевые слова
Викиномика, киберпролетарий, базис, «постиндустриальный пролетариат», работник интеллектуального труда, производящие знания и использующие их, ноосферная кооперация.
Оноприенко В.И. - «Методологические основания перехода на устойчивое цивилизационное развитие» - //Уровень жизни населения регионов России. – 2013. - № 8. – С.58-62.
Оноприенко В.И. - «От темпов – к стабилизации уровня экономического развития» - //Россия: тенденции и перспективы развития. Ежегодник. Вып. 8. / РАН. ИНИОН. – М., 2013. – Ч. 1.- С.108-111.
Оноприенко В.И. - Проблемы научной школы в России -журнал «Успехи современного естествознания» -
Военная доктрина. Битва инноваций-
Onopriyenko VI Economy - humanism : indicators , factors , energy system.And -M . : Paleotypes 2004
BBK 65.24YA73
ISBN 5-94727-093-5
Onopriyenko VI - CONFLICT OF CAPITAL AND INTELLIGENCE : trends for the coming decade . - Http :/ /
Onopriyenko VI - " Methodological bases transition to sustainable development of civilization " - / / The standard of living of the population of regions of Russia . - 2013 . - № 8. - P.58 -62 .
Onopriyenko VI - "From the rate - to stabilize the level of economic development" - / / Russia : trends and prospects. Yearbook . MY . 8. / RAS. INION . - M., 2013 . - Part 1. - P.108- 111.
Onopriyenko VI - Problems in the Russian scientific school magazine " The success of modern natural science »-ISSN 1681-7494., № 9, 2010
** / Konstantin Sivkov - Limbo intellectual Socialist International . " Military-Industrial Courier " - MY . № 5 ( 523 ) , the .12.02.2014
Оноприенко Владимир - Прикладная логика в экономической деятельности. -
Саарбрюкен (Saarbrücken): LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014, 172стр.
ISBN - 978-3-659-51449-4
Onopriyenko VI - On the problem of the reproduction of the Russian Economic School / First Russian Economic Congress (REC -2009) -M . : 2009
Onopriyenko VI - Problems in the Russian scientific school magazine " The success of modern natural science » ISSN 1681-7494., № 9, 2010
Onopriyenko VI, Subetto AI, VN Bobkov - "Classification of conceptual scientific schools noosferizma " / / Level of living regions of Russia. - 2013 . - № 3 . - P.26- 32. )
Onopriyenko VI - " Methodological bases transition to sustainable development of civilization " - / / The standard of living of the population of regions of Russia . - 2013 . - № 8. - P.58 -62 . )
Onopriyenko VI - "From the rate - to stabilize the level of economic development" - / / Russia : trends and prospects. Yearbook . MY . 8. / RAS. INION . - M., 2013 . - Part 1. - P.108- 111. )
Onopriyenko VI - On the need to improve the practical outreach noosferistov
Onopriyenko VI - Geography - events 150 years Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky
Onopriyenko VI - Nikola Tesla : GENIUS - alone or OWNER CODE NOOSPHERE ?
Onopriyenko Vladimir Ivanovich - ARSENAL NOOSPHERE - Invention of Nikola Tesla
Onopriyenko Vladimir Yarmolchuk Vyacheslav - Practical value : Noospheric , universal method of estimating the creative performance based on Vernadsky
Onopriyenko Vladimir - Applied Logic in economic activity. -
Saarbrücken (Saarbrücken): LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014- 172str .
ISBN - 978-3-659-51449-4
Onopriyenko VI Economy - humanism : indicators , factors , energy system.And -M . : Paleotypes 2004
BBK 65.24YA73
ISBN 5-94727-093-5
Onopriyenko VI - CONFLICT OF CAPITAL AND INTELLIGENCE : trends for the coming decade . - Http :/ /
Onopriyenko VI - " Methodological bases transition to sustainable development of civilization " - / / The standard of living of the population of regions of Russia . - 2013 . - № 8. - P.58 -62 .
Onopriyenko VI - "From the rate - to stabilize the level of economic development" - / / Russia : trends and prospects. Yearbook . MY . 8. / RAS. INION . - M., 2013 . - Part 1. - P.108- 111.
Onopriyenko VI - Problems in the Russian scientific school magazine " The success of modern natural science »-ISSN 1681-7494., № 9, 2010
** / Konstantin Sivkov - Limbo intellectual Socialist International . " Military-Industrial Courier " - MY . № 5 ( 523 ) , the .12.02.2014
Military doctrine . Battle of innovation.
Basis noosphere cooperation. International Social classless XXI century // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2014. – № 1;
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