Scientific Journal

Philosophy Of Science
Autotrophic humanity

Автотрофность человечества

B. И. Вернадский

Autotrophic humanity

V.I. Vernadsky

Статья (без последней XIX главки) печатается по первому ее русскому изданию: Вернадский В. И. Биогеохимические очерки. М., 1940 - с добавлением ряда пропущенных тогда мест из первой публикации на французском языке в «Revue generale des Sciences» (Paris, 1925).

Article (without the last cupola XIX) printed on its first Russian edition: Vernadsky VI Biogeochemical essays. M., 1940 - with the addition of a number of places then missed the first publication in French «Revue generale des Sciences» (Paris, 1925).


Henry Cavendish ( Henry ) ( 1731-1810 ) - English chemist and physicist .
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) - French chemist .
Joseph Priestley ( 173E -1804 ) - English philosopher , chemist, physicist .
Nicolas Theodore de Saussure (1767-1848) - Swiss naturalist . Experimentally proved that the plant during respiration absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide , and carbon dioxide absorbs light and emits oxygen .
Ingengauz ( Ingehauz ) Jan ( 1730-1799 ) - Dutch naturalist and physician .
Boussingault Jean Baptiste (1802-1897) - French chemist , one of the founders of modern agricultural chemistry . Jean Baptiste Andre Dumas (1800-1884) - French chemist . Johann Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) - German chemist , who proposed in 1840 the theory of mineral nutrition of plants .
Pfeffer Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp (1845-1920) - German botanist and physiologist in charge of energy and metabolism urasteny .
Sergei Winogradsky (1856-1953) - a microbiologist .
Lujo Brentano (1844-1931) - German economist .
Homo sapiens , producing tools (Latin ) .
Saint-Simon Claude Henri (1760-1825) - French philosopher , sociologist, utopian socialist . Godwin ( Godwin ) William ( 1756-1836 ) - English writer, author of the treatise "Discourse on political justice " , which built a utopian project of socialist orientation . Influenced by R. Owen . Owen ( Owen ) , Robert ( 1771-1858 ) - English utopian socialist.
Berthelot ( Berthelot ) Pierre Eugène Marcelin ( 1827-1907 ) - French chemist , conducted successful experiments synthesis of organic compounds .


Autotrophic humanity // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2014. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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