Язык как ценность, вербальный геном народа и человека
Language as a value, verbal people and human genome
Субетто А.И., -
Subetto AI,
д.ф.н., д.э.н., проф., Заслуженный деятель науки РФ –
Ph.D., prof . , Honored Worker of Science
«Вербальный геном», хранящийся в языке, – это социокультурная, историческая, ландшафтно-географическая, духовно-ценностная и нравственная память народа. А память, как и язык, и культура в целом лежат в основе спирали социокультурного бессмертия человека и народа.
Поэтому отобрать у народа язык, или его сильно деформировать, разрушить – это означает отобрать у народа память, или ее сильно исковеркать, так что народ перестает быть народом, теряет свою историческую память, связь с предыдущими поколениями, связь с культурой, превращается в «пыль истории».
" Verbal genome" that is stored in the language - it's social, cultural, historical , geographical landscape , spiritual and moral memory of values people. And memory, like language, and culture in general underlie helix sociocultural human immortality and the people.
Therefore deprive the people of language , or a severely deformed, destroy - that means deprive the people of memory, or deform greatly , so that people cease to be a nation loses its historical memory , the connection with previous generations , the relationship with the culture , into a " dust history. "
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[1] FM Dostoevsky Diary of a Writer . Selected pages . - M.: "Contemporary" , 1989 .
[2] AI Subetto Word of the Russian people and the Russian man: Scientific Publication / Under scientific . Ed. prof. Ph.D. A.V.Vorontsova . - St. Petersburg. : Asterion , 2013 . - 265s .
[3] Internet portal " All of Hyperborea ." Interview D.Iraklidisa taken Katerina Arabadji for the newspaper " Athens & ELLAS». International Club of Scientists. http://uperboreia.org/greek.asp.
[4] AN Dragunkin 5 sensations. Pamfletovidnoe essay on language. - St. Petersburg. : Univ . House "Andrei ", 2004. - 400c .
[5] GS Hrynevych Praslavic writing. Results decryption. ( Encyclopedia of Russian thought : Russian Physical Society . Vol.1 ) - M.: Common. Benefits , 1993 . - 328s .
[6] AI Subetto Manifesto sistemogeneticheskogo and cyclic outlook and Creative Ontology . - Togliatti MABiBD , 194 . - 50c .
[7] AI Subetto Russia and humanity to pass Stories on the eve of the third millennium . - St. Petersburg. : PANI , 1999 . - 827s .
[8] A. Ways Ivanchenko great Russians . Novel study / / Slavs . Literary and artistic work . - 1991 . - № 1. - P.11 - 17
[9] AN Afanasyev Poetic views on the nature of the Slavs . Volume 1 . - M.: " A modern writer ," 1995 . - 416s .
[10] VI Koduhov Psychological trend in linguistics and teaching Russian language / Ed. A.I.Mischenko - Ishim : Printing , 1993 . - 323C .
[12] AI Subetto Creativity, life, health and harmony . Creative Studies ontology. - M.: "Logos ," 1992 . - 204c .
[13] AI Subetto Life as a unity of creativity, health and harmony of man and society . - Kostroma : 2013 .
[14] AI Subetto Call of the Future : peace , humanity and Russia on the way to harmony noosphere - St. Petersburg: Asterion , 2014 . - 632s .
[15] AI Subetto Sociogenetics : sistemogenetika , social intelligence, genetics education and global development . - M.: researchers . Centre issues Kutch Islands under -ki spec s , International Fund N.D.Kondrateva , 1994 . - 168c .
[16] AI Subetto Mind and Anti- Mind (What does the future hold for us? ) . - Kostroma: Sh . Nekrasov , 2003 . - 148c .
[17] N. Danilevsky Russia and Europe . Look at the cultural and political relations of the Slavic world to the German- Romanesque - St. Petersburg. Univ " The verb " , Academy of St. Petersburg State University , 1995 . - 552s .
[18] A. Pushkin Kumanovo magazine "Contemporary" . On the question of Alexander Pushkin - journalists and critics . Historical and cultural historiographical study . - Shumen (Bulgaria) : Axios , 2004 . - 54c .
[19] Philosophical thought in aphorisms ... - St. Petersburg. " Parity" , 1999 .
[20] AI Subetto Vernadsky from the beginning noosferno -oriented synthesis of sciences - to vernadskianskoy revolution in the system of scientific outlook at the beginning of the XXI century , and to becoming noosferizma ( Series: "Sources noosferizma "). - Kostroma: Sh . Nekrasov , 2007 . - 106c .
[21] V. Komarov Truth: The ontological basis of social intelligence / Ed. V.Ya.Elmeeva . - St. Petersburg. : St. Petersburg State University , 2001 . - 556s .
[22] Veles book . Translation and Commentary A.I.Asova . Used old Russian paintings VI - XIIIvv . AD, the temple images , archaeological materials . - M. : Manager , 1994 . - 320C .
[23] AI Subetto Vladimir Ilyich Lenin : Breakthrough Russian genius of mankind to socialism. - St. Petersburg. : Asterion , 2010 . - 500c .
[24] AI Subetto Anthroposphere breakthrough Russia and humanity in the XXI century . - St. Petersburg. : Asterion , 2010 . - 554s .
[1] FM Dostoevsky Diary of a Writer . Selected pages . - M.: "Contemporary" , 1989 .
[2] AI Subetto Word of the Russian people and the Russian man: Scientific Publication / Under scientific . Ed. prof. Ph.D. A.V.Vorontsova . - St. Petersburg. : Asterion , 2013 . - 265s .
[3] Internet portal " All of Hyperborea ." Interview D.Iraklidisa taken Katerina Arabadji for the newspaper " Athens & ELLAS». International Club of Scientists. http://uperboreia.org/greek.asp.
[4] AN Dragunkin 5 sensations. Pamfletovidnoe essay on language. - St. Petersburg. : Univ . House "Andrei ", 2004. - 400c .
[5] GS Hrynevych Praslavic writing. Results decryption. ( Encyclopedia of Russian thought : Russian Physical Society . Vol.1 ) - M.: Common. Benefits , 1993 . - 328s .
[6] AI Subetto Manifesto sistemogeneticheskogo and cyclic outlook and Creative Ontology . - Togliatti MABiBD , 194 . - 50c .
[7] AI Subetto Russia and humanity to pass Stories on the eve of the third millennium . - St. Petersburg. : PANI , 1999 . - 827s .
[8] A. Ways Ivanchenko great Russians . Novel study / / Slavs . Literary and artistic work . - 1991 . - № 1. - P.11 - 17
[9] AN Afanasyev Poetic views on the nature of the Slavs . Volume 1 . - M.: " A modern writer ," 1995 . - 416s .
[10] VI Koduhov Psychological trend in linguistics and teaching Russian language / Ed. A.I.Mischenko - Ishim : Printing , 1993 . - 323C .
[11] FI Buslayev Teaching domestic language. - M.: Education , 1992 .
[12] AI Subetto Creativity, life, health and harmony . Creative Studies ontology. - M.: "Logos ," 1992 . - 204c .
[13] AI Subetto Life as a unity of creativity, health and harmony of man and society . - Kostroma : 2013 .
[14] AI Subetto Call of the Future : peace , humanity and Russia on the way to harmony noosphere - St. Petersburg: Asterion , 2014 . - 632s .
[15] AI Subetto Sociogenetics : sistemogenetika , social intelligence, genetics education and global development . - M.: researchers . Centre issues Kutch Islands under -ki spec s , International Fund N.D.Kondrateva , 1994 . - 168c .
[16] AI Subetto Mind and Anti- Mind (What does the future hold for us? ) . - Kostroma: Sh . Nekrasov , 2003 . - 148c .
[17] N. Danilevsky Russia and Europe . Look at the cultural and political relations of the Slavic world to the German- Romanesque - St. Petersburg. Univ " The verb " , Academy of St. Petersburg State University , 1995 . - 552s .
[18] A. Pushkin Kumanovo magazine "Contemporary" . On the question of Alexander Pushkin - journalists and critics . Historical and cultural historiographical study . - Shumen (Bulgaria) : Axios , 2004 . - 54c .
[19] Philosophical thought in aphorisms ... - St. Petersburg. " Parity" , 1999 .
[20] AI Subetto Vernadsky from the beginning noosferno -oriented synthesis of sciences - to vernadskianskoy revolution in the system of scientific outlook at the beginning of the XXI century , and to becoming noosferizma ( Series: "Sources noosferizma "). - Kostroma: Sh . Nekrasov , 2007 . - 106c .
[21] V. Komarov Truth: The ontological basis of social intelligence / Ed. V.Ya.Elmeeva . - St. Petersburg. : St. Petersburg State University , 2001 . - 556s .
[22] Veles book . Translation and Commentary A.I.Asova . Used old Russian paintings VI - XIIIvv . AD, the temple images , archaeological materials . - M. : Manager , 1994 . - 320C .
[23] AI Subetto Vladimir Ilyich Lenin : Breakthrough Russian genius of mankind to socialism. - St. Petersburg. : Asterion , 2010 . - 500c .
[24] AI Subetto Anthroposphere breakthrough Russia and humanity in the XXI century . - St. Petersburg. : Asterion , 2010 . - 554s .
Language as a value, verbal people and human genome // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2014. – № 1;
URL: www.es.rae.ru/noocivil/en/233-1188 (Date Access: