Monograph / Edited by VN Vasilenko, S. Grigoriev, VI Patrushev, AI Subetto. Authors: O. Anisimov, GV Atamanchuk, VK Baturin, VN Vasilenko, S. Grigoryev, AA Gromyko, LS Gordin, A.A.Gorbunov, MM Guzev, AM Egorychev, GM Imanov, VP Treasurers, IV Kozik, VL Makarov, Y. Marchenko, V. Patrushev, AI AI Subetto, FP Turenko, AD Ursula.
The book systematically disclosed noosferizm as worldview, movement, social system theory and historical experience driven socio-natural evolution. Presents advanced design noospheric wing of Russian science, defining a vector formation noospheric civilization. Published appeal scientists noospherology to earthlings: "The destruction of world civilization in the XXI century can still be prevented." Addressed to those who are interested in the concept of noosphere human and social development, the evolution of knowledge and the formation of social and humanitarian foundations noospheric civilization global era. Edited by Academician VN Vasilenko, S. Grigoriev, VI Patrushev, AI Subetto
Published by the decision of the Academic Council of Municipal Research Institute of Complex Social Sciences Division
INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 8. PART I. SCIENTIFIC ideological basis NOOSPHERE human and social development CHAPTER I. NOOSFERIZM: Globalization from natural to managed socio-natural Evolution ....... 15 CHAPTER II. HISTORICAL ROOTS OF NOOSPHERE ......................................................................... 51 CHAPTER III. PHILOSOPHICAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NOOSPHERE SOURCES ............................................... 81 CHAPTER IV. Noospherology: RESEARCH ON THE FORMATION noospheric Instituto GLOBAL SOCIETY ....................................................................... 125 CHAPTER V. PRINCIPLES noospheric civilization identification SUBJECTS Global Society .............................................. 145 PART II. NOOSFEROLOGICHESKY analysis of human development and the formation of a global society .............................................. 173 CHAPTER VI. BACKGROUND OF THE FORMATION OF THE METHODOLOGY NOOSPHERE ............................................. 173 CHAPTER VII. Polar Syndrome NOOSPHERIC EVOLUTION ..................................................................... 201 CHAPTER VIII. Noospheric AGE SOCIAL vitalism ..................................................................... 220 CHAPTER IX. Human Culture .................................... 234 CHAPTER X. MAN IN THE MEASUREMENT noospheric ......... 273 PART III. INSTITUTIONS, criteria, monitoring of the strategy of development of mankind NOOSPHERE .................................................... .299 CHAPTER XI. Economic innovation EVOLUTION OF MODERN SOCIETY .......................................... 299 CHAPTER XII. Morality in motion control to NOOSFERIZMU ..................................... 315 CHAPTER XIII. Noospheric foundations of global economic modernization and Politics State ................................................................ 345 CHAPTER XIV. Noospheric functions of education and the educational community as global age ............................................................................. 354 CHAPTER XV. Ethical and environmental, and constitutional and legal mechanisms NOOSPHERE DEVELOPMENT .............................................. 372 CHAPTER XVI. Noospheric principle of socialization and technologization SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ......... 392 CHAPTER XVII. NOOSPHERIC Futurology: STRATEGY TO GLOBAL SECURITY IN RUSSIA AND HUMANITY ............................................................... 417 CONCLUSION. BECOMING noospheric civilization and deadlock market globalization ........................................................ 464 APPENDIX Noosphere unveiled in the United Nations - SPEECH Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann .............................................. 468 APPEAL OF SCIENTISTS NOOSPHERE WING to the international community: the destruction of the world civilization in the XXI century can still be prevented ....................................................... 472 Declaration of public movement "NOOSPHERIC RUSSIA" .................................................................. 477 AUTHORS ............................................... 483 ........
In preparing the Manifesto used scientific works: R. Denisheva "Bioinformatic conception of man" Penza, 2003, VA Sokolov "laws of nature and fate of civilization", Brest, 2008; A.I.Subetto "Noosferizm. Volume One. Introduction to noosferizm "St. Petersburg, 2001, AI Subetto "Criticism of" economic intelligence ", St. Petersburg, 2008, AI Subetto "Freedom. Book One. Criticism of the "liberal mind", St. Petersburg, 2008; A.I.Subetto "Foundations and the imperatives of Russia's development strategy in the XXI century", St. Petersburg, 2005, of the monograph "The contours of the coming civilization" (Odintsovo, 2010 .), proceedings NN Moiseev, VL Makarova, S. Grigoriev, VN Ivanov, AD Ursula V. Patrushev, LS Gordin.
In preparing the Manifesto used scientific works: R. Denisheva "Bioinformatic conception of man" Penza, 2003, VA Sokolov "laws of nature and fate of civilization", Brest, 2008; A.I.Subetto "Noosferizm. Volume One. Introduction to noosferizm "St. Petersburg, 2001, AI Subetto "Criticism of" economic intelligence ", St. Petersburg, 2008, AI Subetto "Freedom. Book One. Criticism of the "liberal mind", St. Petersburg, 2008; A.I.Subetto "Foundations and the imperatives of Russia's development strategy in the XXI century", St. Petersburg, 2005, of the monograph "The contours of the coming civilization" (Odintsovo, 2010 .), proceedings NN Moiseev, VL Makarova, S. Grigoriev, VN Ivanov, AD Ursula V. Patrushev, LS Gordin.
Man and Society: The development of Noosphere // Íîîñôåðà. Îáùåñòâî. ×åëîâåê. – 2013. – ¹ 4;
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