Scientific Journal

Abstracts of articles on topics in the Journal of noosphere VTSUZH-«LIVING STANDARD OF THE POPULATION IN THE REGIONS OF RUSSIA»

Àííîòàöèè ñòàòåé ïî íîîñôåðíîé òåìàòèêå â æóðíàëå ВÖÓÆ-Abstracts of articles on topics in the Journal of noosphere VTSUZH-«LIVING STANDARD OF THE POPULATION IN THE REGIONS OF RUSSIA»



9/2012 (175)



Theoretical and practical journal





A.I. Subetto

Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky as Noospheric Genius of Russian People and Mankind


The article describes the biography of V.I. Vernadsky in the context of noospheric development model of the future of mankind.

Key words: noospherism, noospheregenesis.

A.I. Subetto

Historical Ethnology of Lev Nikolaevich Gumilev as Paradigm Scientific School in Study of Human Nature of XXI Century


The article is devoted to the theory of L.N. Gumilev in understanding the paradigm of the organization of knowledge about ethnic groups and ethnic history or the history of ethnic groups. The author presents the historical ethnology as a benefit for the decision of problems of natural Sciences, in particular the study of the biosphere. A direct study of the dynamics of ethnic systems, as part of it, is only possible just in the processing of the historical material methods of natural Sciences

Key words: historical ethnology, the theory of L.N. Gumilev on ethnic groups and their role in the history of mankind, the method of empirical generalizations of V.I. Vernadsky.

O.M. Zinovieva

From “Philosophical Problems of the Many-valued Logic” to “Yawning Heights”


In the article the author presents the fragments of life of the great Russian thinker, great Russian ideologist. The fragments which made the influence on the different stages of creative work of A.A. Zinoviev.

Key words: mathematical logic, the complex logics, sociological novel, the theory of modern forms of social organization.




V.N. Bobkov,

A.I. Subetto

Vernadskiy V.I. and Development of the Noospheric Science School in Russia


The held UN world conference on sustainable development «Rio+20» (Brazil, Rio-de-Janeiro, 13-23 June 2012) gives the new opportunities for the country. Today Russia is among the countries for which this is especially relevant. There are a number of reasons of it. These are rich natural resources, and the question about the search for the optimal ways of development. The country's priorities in innovation policy, energy efficiency, and in the modernization of the economy in accordance with the modern requirements of the natural way of defining the movement in the direction of sustainable development. At the Conference Rio+20, the Russian delegation was represented by public and state structures of the reports devoted to issues of sustainable development. The authors bring to the attention of the readers of several reports made at the Conference Rio+20 in different sections

Key words:  the forum, tolerance, biomagnetic situation, biofield, global studies, recommendations, energy-ecological Strategy of partnership of civilizations, the Foundations of a long-term strategy of global sustainable development on the basis of partnership of civilizations.

B.E. Bolshakov,

A.V. Skorniakov

Sustainable Development and Noo–Constitution of the Mankind


Sustainable development is the chronointegral process consistent with the General law of conservation of the development space-planet Life in the system nature – society – man.

From the Noo–Constitution of Mankind Noosphere is a universal, the semantic field of Consciousness. Consciousness is the ability to establish a relationship with the Higher knowledge through the comprehension and correct application of the General laws of Nature.

Key words:  man, the person, the Creator of humanity, the laws of nature.

L.S. Gordina

The Global Strategic Initiative for Global Civil Society: Noospheric Ethical-ecological Constitution of the Mankind


Noo–Constitution the quintessence of theoretical developments in the field of cosmism. It is a sort of scientific NOOSPHERE COVENANT of the young generation of Earthlings, which we offer as the Foundation of the philosophical and ideological concepts.

Key words:  spiritually-moral ethical principles, spiritual-ecological world-view, the project of the noospheric Constitution.


A.S. Kharitonov

The Sustainable Development of the Society


In the article the author considers the possibility of social control on the basis of a new paradigm of sustainable development. There are good examples of harmonization in the development of the individual and society. The author shows that the strategic objective of social control is specified by the laws of development of the organization of the cycle of nature.

Key words:  sustainable development of society, the socio-economic systems, models and paradigms of development of the society.

S.I. Grigoriev

Justice of the Municipal Social Development in Modern Russian Society: Foundations of the Theory, Ideology and Practice on the Threshold of the Noospheric Civilization of the Controlled Socio-natural Evolution


Today the situation with the development of fair municipal social policy is complicated by the fact that at the turn of XX-XXI centuries was a large-scale differentiation of the regional economic and social, as well as social and cultural development. While the municipal education, having received a number of new powers, were not able to comply with them.

In General the analysis of the maturity of the vital forces of municipal formations, their problems of justice are clearly extensively updated, which is caused, first of all, the issues of ensuring the well-being of the population of the Russian province of the XXI century.

Key words:  municipal formations, social development of municipal formations, social protection of the indigenous peoples of Russia.

the final document of the conference


The Future We Want


information space: development of the idea of noospherism


Theoretical and practical journal Living Standard of the Population in the Regions of Russia



Noosfernyj Public Academy of Sciences


V.I. Onoprienko

About the Electronic Journal «Noosphere. Society. Man»



Announcement of the Doctrine of the Noospheric Civilization



About Magazine “Politics.Economics.Sociology”


V.V. Nikiforov

Understanding the Noosphere on the Pages of the Scientific Journal “TERRA HUMANA”


The author provides an overview of the publications of the scientific-theoretical journal «TERRA HUMANA» in the section «Understanding the noosphere». The modern stage of civilization is considered as the noosphere. The articles, dedicated to the development of a methodology of development of the noosphere theory, are systematized on the issue. The author describes the publication, dedicated to the noospheric world view, noospheric interpretation of economic development and socio-political systems, the system of the noospheric education, the climatic and natural scientific research, noospheric ecology, noospheric culture.

Keywords: noosphere, noospheric culture, noospheric education, noospheric theory, noospheric ecology, noospheric stage of civilization.

experience of the regions

E.G. Zlenko

Management of the Quality of Life at the Regional Level


The quality of life of the population continues to be a hot topic, as determined by the diversity of indicators and interrelated with socio-economic development of the country.

The article provides an overview of the priority directions of improving the quality of life of the population, implemented both at the Federal and at the regional levels. Discusses the need for systematic monitoring of indicators of the quality of life of the population in the regions, and also identify effective measures for their improvement. Provides an overview of the individual indicators of the quality of life, including the quality of working life, the example of the Tyumen region, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district.

Key words:  the quality of life, quality of working life, monitoring, demography.


A.V. Bazhenov

Increasing of the Level of  the Social Responsibility of the Large Production Companies


This article explores the technology of pension systems of major manufacturing companies as: «Lukoil», «NK» Rosneft», «RUSSIAN RAILWAYS», «Surgutneftegaz», «Severstal», «Tatneft», «Norilsk Nickel». Special attention is given to the establishment of corporate systems of non-government pension provision. Dignity of pension systems major production companies is in contrast to the public welfare system to improve the level of reimbursement of lost earnings of the employee retirement and compliance with the specific necessary referred to in article principles.

Keywords: pension scheme, major production companies, workers, pensioners, employers, non-governmental pension provision, wages, social guarantees, non-State Pension Fund.





Abstracts of articles on topics in the Journal of noosphere VTSUZH-«LIVING STANDARD OF THE POPULATION IN THE REGIONS OF RUSSIA» // Íîîñôåðà. Îáùåñòâî. ×åëîâåê. – 2013. – ¹ 3;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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