Аннотация--Субетто А.И. Теоретическая экономия в начале XXI века – к новым основаниям синтеза экономической науки в системе Ноосферизма. – СПб. – Кострома: КГУ им. Н.А.Некрасова, «Астерион», 2009.
In the work contains logic for the formation of a new theoretical paradigm noosfernoj, economy and economic science in General, as a response to the challenges of the twenty-first century, turned in the history of mankind and to economic science in particular, and are formed under the influence of the developing processes of the first phase of a global environmental disaster.
doctor of economic sciences, Professor, honoured worker of science of the Russian Federation
Chekmaryov Vasilij Vladimirovich;
Professor Gorbunov Arkady A.;
PhD, Professor, honoured worker of science of the Russian Federation
Subetto A.i. Theoretical savings in the early twenty-first century – to new bases of synthesis of economic science in the system Noosferizma // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2012. – № 5;
URL: www.es.rae.ru/noocivil/en/216-1014 (Date Access: