the relevance of this study lies in the theoretical definition of the phenomenon of awareness of the unity of traditions in the name “Russian world”. The subject of the research is to study the peculiarities of understanding traditional values within the “Russian world”. The article forms a model of the concept of “Russian world”, based on the unity of traditions, and also analyzes the concept of “Russian world” from the point of view of the author’s positions of various researchers. The study proves that the successes of Russia´s historical development and victories in many historically significant events in world history are entirely based on a politically justified model of government, based on the “Russian world”.
Keywords: political model, “Russian world”, traditional values, model of the concept “Russian world”, historical development of Russia, world history, post-Soviet space, Americanization, Europeanization, civilization.
Strakhov A.A. 1 AWARENESS OF THE UNITY OF TRADITIONS IN THE NAME “RUSSIAN WORLD” // Íîîñôåðà. Îáùåñòâî. ×åëîâåê. – 2024. – ¹ 1;
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