The Noospheric Spiritual-Ecological Assembly of the World (NDEAM) is an international public organization (without forming a legal entity), which is based on the doctrines of Russian cosmists (E. Tsiolkovsky, A. Chizhevsky, V. Vernadsky, etc.). NDEAM defends ethical and environmental norms and rules for the development of society and people...
Keywords: etc.). NDEAM defends ethical and environmental norms and rules for the development of society and people..., V. Vernadsky, A. Chizhevsky, which is based on the doctrines of Russian cosmists (E. Tsiolkovsky, The Noospheric Spiritual-Ecological Assembly of the World (NDEAM) is an international public organization (without forming a legal entity)
redsovet. 1 To the Chairman of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2024. – № 1;
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