Scientific Journal

The theory of everything - part one. The nature of elementary particles, gravity, electricity, superconductivity, lightning, dark matter, etc. (Fundamentals of natural physics)


In the proposed article, the actual structure of atoms from EM waves is revealed, the nature of ether, electricity, gravity, ball lightning, dark matter, etc. is revealed, the "Theory of everything" is formulated as the "Electromagnetic nature of the universe «Nookosmizm»" in accordance with the laws of elementary physics and the rule of "Occam´s Razor", because it has a single essence - EM waves. Which confirms the correctness of the electromagnetic nature of matter. Unlike "quantum physics", in which there are more than 400 entities - "elementary particles".

Keywords: Energy; electromagnetic waves; what is primary; matter; dark matter; the nature of gravity; the nature of electricity; the structure of the atom; elementary particles;


The theory of everything - part one. The nature of elementary particles, gravity, electricity, superconductivity, lightning, dark matter, etc. (Fundamentals of natural physics) // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2022. – № 2;
URL: (Date Access: 07.03.2025).

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