Scientific Journal

Physics And Mathematics
Paradoxes of the planetary model of the atom (N. Bohr - E. Rutherford) and the advantages of the "magnetic" model of the atom according to W. Ritz.


After the discovery of the electron, other particles and the nucleus of the atom, several hypotheses of its structure were proposed, but none of them was recognized as perfect, and therefore different models of the atom continue to be used in theoretical physics. The article gives an overview of critical publications of the "planetary" model of the atom structure and proposes a new structure. The functions of an atom and its parts are determined by their magnetic properties. Diagrams of the structure of the nuclei of 41 elements from the beginning of the periodic table are presented. The “magnetic” model of the atom structure has been supplemented; multicenter, electron-deficient bonds of chemical elements are explained; and the electroneutrality of substances without the participation of electrically charged particles is substantiated. A model of the diborane structure is shown. A regularity is revealed that indicates the dependence of the chemical properties of chemical elements on the composition of the nucleus of these elements. The similarity of the structure of atomic nuclei, characteristic for each group of the periodic table, is shown.

Keywords: diborane, structure of the atom, cluster, table of nuclei of chemical elements


Paradoxes of the planetary model of the atom (N. Bohr - E. Rutherford) and the advantages of the "magnetic" model of the atom according to W. Ritz. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2022. – № 4;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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