The ideas of Vedic socialism were put forward by such reformers of Hinduism as Vivekananda and Aurobindo [2]. Later, Vedic socialism began to call the utopian socialist theory of Mahatma Gandhi, which also became known as "Indian socialism" [3], "sarvodaya" [3] or "socialism of Gandhi" [4] [5]. Gandhi´s theory of socialism was based on the idea of social equality, on ensuring a minimum standard of living for the poor, on a combination of material prosperity and spiritual growth.
Keywords: Gandhi´s theory of socialism was based on the idea of social equality, on ensuring a minimum standard of living for the poor, on a combination of material prosperity and spiritual growth.
Vedic socialism (from the words "Veda" and "socialism") // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2021. – № 1;
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