Scientific Journal

Psychological Science
Declaration of Living Intelligence (freedom of scientific activity and the safety of artificial intelligence)


Contents: Preamble. 1. Charter (Declaration) of Noosphere Researchers: Freedom of Research, Professional Responsibility and Ethical Principles, Contractual and Legal Obligations, Research Practice, Dissemination and Use of Results, Intellectual Property Rights of Noosphere Researchers, Co-authorship of Noosphere Researchers, Professional Development of Noosphere Researchers, Evaluation of Researchers´ Experience Noosphere. 2. Assessment of the Noospheric Constitution. Statements of world scientists, politicians, public figures about the Noospheric ethical and ecological Constitution of mankind and the noospheric movement. 3. Threats to living intelligence. Scientists on the planet have called on the world to tackle the safety of artificial intelligence. Perhaps the Declaration of Living Intelligence (Charter of Noosphere Explorers) is just a formality, but necessary. It focuses on righteous, creative, creative living labor, directs the creative activity of people towards the meaning of life. Freedom of scientific activity should be closely linked to the requirements of social responsibility.

Keywords: Freedom of scientific activity should be closely linked to the requirements of social responsibility. Keywords: Noosphere. Society. Man, ISBN 9781312898325


Declaration of Living Intelligence (freedom of scientific activity and the safety of artificial intelligence) // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2021. – № 2;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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