Scientific Journal

Political Science
Russian Civilization of Truth: Fusion of Righteousness and Justice.


Russian civilization is a socio-cultural community formed on the basis of the universal, i.e., super-local values ​​of Orthodox Christianity, as well as under the influence of the peculiarities of the geographical position and natural and climatic conditions. These values ​​were expressed in the corresponding systems of morality, law, art, and also found their forms of expression in a vast complex of practical and spiritual knowledge, in symbolic systems that contribute to overcoming the local isolation of primary collectives. Russian civilization has historically been defined by its ethno-confessional core - the Russian (Old Russian) people and, accordingly, - Russian Orthodoxy. The language and culture of the "core", that is, the Russian language and Russian culture, have decisively influenced the integration of all elements of civilization into a single whole. It is the “core” that largely determines the nature and characteristics of Russian civilization, its differences from other civilizations. At the same time, multi-ethics and multi-confessionalism are an integral feature of Russian civilization. Having appeared as the core of Russian civilization, the Russian (originally ancient Russian) people also became the bearer of the cultural and genetic code. Over time, this code, to one degree or another, became the property of other peoples that became part of Russia, became the basis of the all-Russian folk character, way of life and thought.

Keywords: Report theses Russian Civilization of Truth: Fusion of Righteousness and Justice. © Onoprienko V.I.-OIS-12.02.21


Russian Civilization of Truth: Fusion of Righteousness and Justice. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2024. – № 2;
URL: (Date Access: 31.01.2025).

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