Analysis of the fundamental foundations of intelligence and the evolution of its parameters, along with new research methods,
can be useful for predicting scientific hypotheses and trends in studying the features of intellectual labor in physiology, hygiene,and medicine. Strategies for the development of the information (I) society, standards for I-measuring, the phenomena of I-boom, I-overload, and I-pollution, along with the appearance of I-dependent pathologies, form the relevance of the development of I-ecology and I-hygiene. It is advisable to develop sanitary rules and hygienic recommendations for the organization of IT processes.
Keywords: intelligence; intellectual labor; information society; information hygiene; physiology of labor; occupational medicine
For citation: Eryomin A.L., Zibarev E.V. Intellectual labor — physiology, hygiene, medicine: retrospective and modern fundamental research. Med. truda i prom. ekol. 2020; 60(12): 951–957.
Keywords: medicine: retrospective and modern fundamental research. Med. truda i prom. ekol. 2020;, hygiene, Zibarev E.V. Intellectual labor — physiology, Keywords: intelligence; intellectual labor; information society; information hygiene; physiology of labor; occupational medicine For citation: Eryomin A.L.
Intellectual labour — physiology, hygiene, medicine: retrospective and modern fundamental research // Íîîñôåðà. Îáùåñòâî. ×åëîâåê. – 2024. – ¹ 2;
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