Over the past almost 100 years, if we take as a starting point the formulation of the concept of "living matter" by V.I. Vernadsky and the beginning of the development of the theoretical concept of the biosphere, the Noosphere scientific school has been formed in Russia, which has no analogues in other countries of the world and has a world-historical, planetary significance not only for the development of world science and culture, but also for developing a strategy for the development of mankind in the 21st century and in the more distant future. Undoubtedly, the Noospheric scientific school in Russia is a school of a paradigmatic type, carrying revolutionary changes in the system of scientific worldview, ideology of the XXI century, in the scientific picture of the world, and the formation of a new Man of Noospheric quality.
See Appendix: "Classification of Scientific Schools of Noospherism in Russia"
The register was formed according to the author´s expertise on the basis of the Classification Criteria for Scientific Schools of Noospherism (some names of topics of conceptual developments may differ from the author´s names in terms of the composition of words, but not in essence.
Keywords: Register "Conceptual developments of the Noosphere Theme in Russia and the CIS"
Register "Conceptual developments of the Noosphere Theme in Russia and the CIS" // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 1;
URL: www.es.rae.ru/noocivil/270-2200 (Date Access: