Scientific Journal

Political Science
Anti-nuclear Manifesto of Peace / Cybersferonics: The Third Way of the XXI century Noosphere.


The UN has been talking about the elimination of nuclear weapons for 75 years "at the same level of thinking that created them." Therefore, the escalation of the pathological policy of global confrontation of nuclear powers over the years within the framework of this mindset has only accelerated the race of these weapons and expanded the scale of the nuclear threat to a suicidal global genocide / ecocide, to which there are only 100 seconds left, according to experts. In order not to be its hostage for another 75 years, the UN needs to start searching for a common societal denominator, a genetic code for the survival and sustainable development of mankind in harmony, excluding the confrontation of nuclear powers and ensuring their partner, solidary construction of a scientific system of global security / peace. Its fundamental cybernetic foundation is revealed in the proposed "Anti-Nuclear Manifesto", and the beginning of the construction of this system should be the "World Survival Referendum" in 2021 by the decision of the UN General Assembly, for whose members ICAN and the GHA have prepared this "Manifesto". This referendum will be a worthy start for the overdue systemic renewal of the UN, if it intends to serve the interests of the survival and sustainable development of humankind, and not the pathological, deadly policy of global confrontation.

Keywords: no more) World Civil Society Solidarity Anti-Nuclear Initiative Under the auspices of ICAN: International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons., only against nuclear weapons, Anti-nuclear Manifesto of Peace / Cybersferonics:The Third Way of the XXI century Noosphere. Anti-nuclear


Anti-nuclear Manifesto of Peace / Cybersferonics: The Third Way of the XXI century Noosphere. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: 15.03.2025).

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