Scientific Journal

Philosophy Of Science
special significance of the categories of "truth" and "justice" in the doctrine of the state of classical Eurasianism.


THE EURASIAN DOCTRINE OF THE STATE A. Vinogradov, I. Kopylov Murmansk Arctic State University15 Capitana Egorova ul., Murmansk 183038, Russian Federation Abstract. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to reveal the meaning of the doctrine of the state formed in the writings of the representatives of the Eurasian school of Russian philosophy. To achieve this goal, the authors examined the works by N. N. Alekseev, P. N. Savitskiy, M. V. Shakhmatov who expressed their views on the problem under consideration. Methodology and Approach. The study revealed special significance of such categories as “truth” and “justice” in classical Eurasian doctrine of the state and the role of spiritual and moral aspects as founda-tions of the Eurasian state design. Results. The analysis showed that the essence of the state for Eurasians was in the combination of the state-legal and ethical-religious spheres. It was concluded that these ideas are still relevant in modern era.

Keywords: Eurasian State, Eurasianism, Conservatism, Historiosophy, Ideocracy, Demotia


special significance of the categories of "truth" and "justice" in the doctrine of the state of classical Eurasianism. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: 22.12.2024).

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