Scientific Journal

Political Science
Alekseev N.N. Russian people and state.


Russian people and state. - M., "Agraf", 1998. - 640 p. N.N. Alekseev is an outstanding historian, philosopher of law and state scholar, one of the leading ideologists of the Eurasian movement, the author of the most complete and complete concept of the Eurasian state ideal. Proceeding from the central principle for the Eurasianists "know yourself and be yourself", he conducted a unique study of Russian folk ideas about the "State of Truth." His analysis of the worldview of the marginal groups of the “Trans-Volga elders”, old ritualists, sectarians and Cossacks has no analogues in Russian historiography. Refuting the myth-making of both Westerners and Slavophiles, his works provide the key to understanding the ways and destinies of the peoples of Russia - Eurasia. The book presents Alekseev´s works devoted to understanding the spiritual foundations of the Russian State, as well as his fundamental, programmatic work for Eurasianism as a whole, "Theory of the State." In Russia, the publication of the works of N.N. Alekseeva is carried out for the first time. BBK 63.3 (2) 4

Keywords: NEW HISTORY, NIKOLAY ALEXEEV, Russian people and state


Alekseev N.N. Russian people and state. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: 11.02.2025).

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