In the monograph Economics of innovative development (from the standpoint of the methodology of a fairly general theory of management (DOTU), the problems of state management of the economic provision of social development are considered, taking into account the interaction of the socio-economic system of the state with the biosphere and noosphere of the planet. The impossibility of social development and implementation of the Concept of sustainable development adopted by the UN in 1992, on the basis of the liberal-market economic model. The moral and ethical conditionality of sociological and economic theories is shown. On the basis of the DOTU methodology and the organizational and technological approach to the analysis of the functioning of the socio-economic system of the state, a managerial interpretation of the components of balance models is given and approaches to ensuring the metrological consistency of balance models. Possibilities of macroeconomic management by means of the credit and financial system are shown. consumption of products and natural goods. On the basis of the DOTU methodology, the problems of ensuring the economic security of the state and society in their development in harmony with the natural environment are considered. The fundamentals of the philosophy of state planning of natural, socio-economic development and public administration at the macro level in the process of implementing plans are stated. From the methodological standpoint of DOTU, scientific and technical progress is presented as a network random self-developing process and the possibilities of stimulating its course by the state are considered.
Keywords: UDC 330.1, 330.3, 330.4, 330.5, 330.88
Cand. econom. M.V. VELICHKO, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
Doctor econ. Sciences V.A. EFIMOV, Rector of SPb GAU
Cand. tech. Sciences V.M. ZAZNOBIN
Economics of innovative development (from the standpoint of methodology, a fairly general theory of management (DOTU) // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 2;
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