Instrumental assessment of working conditions is used to assess the indicators of physical, chemical and biological harmful factors of the working environment.
The physical factor of the working environment includes the following groups of indicators: vibroacoustic, microclimate indicators, parameters of the light environment, non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation, ionizing radiation, air ionic composition.The following groups of indicators belong to the chemical factor of the working environment: substances dangerous for the development of acute poisoning, allergens, carcinogens and aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action.The biological factor of the working environment includes microorganisms, living cells and spores that are in the composition of commercial forms of bacterial preparations in biotechnological enterprises, as well as in the air of public and industrial buildings.
Keywords: Instrumental assessment of working conditions is used to assess the indicators of physical, chemical and biological harmful factors of the working environment.
The physical factor of the working environment includes the following groups of indicators: vibroacoustic, microclimate indicators, parameters of the light environment, non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation, ionizing radiation, air ionic composition.
The following groups of indicators belong to the chemical factor of the working environment: substances dangerous for the development of acute poisoning, allergens, carcinogens and aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action.
The biological factor of the working environment includes microorganisms, living cells and spores that are in the composition of commercial forms of bacterial preparations in biotechnological enterprises, as well as in the air of public and industrial buildings.
YES. Semyonov. On the possibility of using socio-economic standards for morbidity in modern conditions. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 2;
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