Scientific report on Dissertation research for the degree of Grand Doctor of Philosophy (Grand PhD). Specialization - 08.00.01; 08.00.05. Russian-Belgian doctoral studies. Moscow. World University for Science, Education and Society Development - WUDSES. S. 1-138. Summary: It is necessary to understand that until society and, above all, those who own political and economic capital, do not ensure the priority of moral criteria in assessing any activity and in decisions made, it will be impossible to either develop or implement a socio-economic strategy adequate to the tasks, facing Russia.
Keywords: wudses, vidu, doctorate, grand_doctor, Ph.d., dissertation, ethical criteria, moral guidelines, evolution, social, morality, standards, partnership, contract, dissertation research
Social partnership: evolution of contractual regulation of labor relations. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 2;
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