Scientific Journal

Philosophy Of Science
My dislike for the swagger of officials and giant theft


Director and actor Nikita Mikhalkov has become a key figure in Russia´s cultural and spiritual opposition today. An opposition that defends the right of the Russian people to their national identity, their history and their values. All this, by and large, helps us to remain human in the modern world, where a person begins to be perceived exclusively as an object for manipulation and income.

Keywords: Newspaper "Culture", Country, Nikita Mikhalkov: "My dislike for the arrogance of officials and gigantic theft does not diminish my love for the Fatherland." Nikita Mikhalkov: "My dislike for the swagger of officials and gigantic theft does not dim


My dislike for the swagger of officials and giant theft // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 2;
URL: (Date Access: 10.03.2025).

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