Scientific Journal

Philosophy Of Science
Right and Truth. Manifesto of Enlightened Conservatism


P.S. Nikita Mikhalkov´s statement. Nov. 1 “Dear colleagues, friends, when the decision was made to post the text of the Manifesto of Enlightened Conservatism on the portal, we did not even imagine that this document would cause such a wide public outcry. To some extent, I myself looked at what was written with new eyes Today we see absolutely clearly that the time has come to gather, strengthen not only the state, but also society, unite the efforts of all who are not indifferent to the fate of Russia. As a follow-up to this undertaking, the Russian Culture Foundation and the Siberian Barber Publishing House decided to open a copyright for the Manifesto of Enlightened Conservatism, and thereby make it available for any form of replication in traditional and electronic media and book publishing. " Sincerely yours, Nikita Mikhalkov

Keywords: Right and Truth. Manifesto of Enlightened Conservatism


Right and Truth. Manifesto of Enlightened Conservatism // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 2;
URL: (Date Access: 22.01.2025).

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