Scientific Journal

Global semantics of the noosphere.


© ® V. I. Onoprienko, 19.10.2019 / * Resume: General semantics is still an underestimated discipline, and yet its study is necessary for any person. General semantics is defined as a general theory of evaluating facts, relationships, sensations and reactions. It is a systematic methodology that helps to understand how each of us relates to the environment, reacts to the world and our reactions to the world and people. The global semantics of the noosphere is a scientifically grounded way to the preservation, sustainable development of mankind, the organization of a reasonable life order on Earth, inspired by the idea of goodness and preservation of the human life environment, the living intelligence of generations. The specific tool of the General Semantics is the Noospheric ethical and ecological constitution of mankind, Noospherism, which show the ways out of the created pre-catastrophic state of civilization. The key principles of General Semantics should be known to everyone who wants to choose the "red pill" and get out of the "matrix" to see the world in a new way.

Keywords: Key words: Semantics of the noosphere, Noo-Constitution, noospherism, scientific picture of the world, global harmony and humanism, V.I. Vernadsky


Global semantics of the noosphere. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 4;
URL: (Date Access: 22.01.2025).

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