The Manifesto main conclusion:
Nuclear weapons are the mortal enemy of all peoples and every person,
since the Hiroshima/Nagasaki nuclear Holocaust 1945. Nuclear weapons
are a genocidal crime against humanity have not any justification.
The Manifesto main question:
Hiroshima/Nagasaki are 75. When do our Planet/Noosphere and us,
the nuclear weapons hostages, expect their fate, if there are only 100 seconds
left before it on the nuclear scientists Doomsday Сlock (Mecklin, 2020)?
The Manifesto main response:
A stable ban and the eternal exclusion of nuclear weapons from the
life of humankind is possible only on the fundamental scientific basis of
Cyberspheronics, which ensures the consciousness and construction of a
global security/peace system by the societal genetic Gandhian spherons,
verified by world statistics and excluding violence, militarism and war.