Objectives of the Congress:
1. To discuss and make a decision about what our country should become in the near future on the basis of the proposals of the delegates of the Congress and how every citizen of the Russian Federation, increasing their well-being, can directly participate actively in the development of the country, solving the tasks set by the President, achieving the goals of national projects and state programs, for example, the program for the development of civil society "From Human Abilities to an Effective Economy" - with the aim of realizing constitutional and social and labor rights, increasing social justice, the absence of unemployment and increasing the well-being of each person, so that his wages or income was sufficient to meet their needs with reasonable consumption, and there was also confidence in the well-being of life on the basis of self-development, creativity and the realization of personal potential in creative work.
2. To give a popular assessment of the activities of state authorities and local self-government bodies to improve the quality of life, the implementation of presidential decrees and instructions on the ground, national projects, state, regional and municipal programs, as well as educational, educational, labor, family, youth, agrarian, industrial the policy of the government of the Russian Federation.
3. Discuss and approve the proposals of the Congress delegates, an action plan for the next five-year period to improve the well-being of the population and the development of Russia on the basis of realizing the potential of each Person in creative work with the aim of transferring them to the President of the Russian Federation, state authorities and local self-government with a view to their adoption and implementation together with the people.
Keywords: The people are the main driving force behind the development of the country and ensuring social justice! A high-quality life of the population throughout the country is the basis for the well-being of Russia!
The main provisions of the All-Russian Congress of People´s Delegates // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 5;
URL: www.es.rae.ru/noocivil/267-2137 (Date Access: