Scientific Journal

Philosophy Of Science
Noocracy - a solution to the fundamental problems of globalization


Despite the progress of human society, the biological type of man today remains the same as it was during the time of barbarism, during the Enlightenment, and at the beginning of the 21st century. The potential of aggression and violence is dormant in every person, which can manifest itself when the image of the enemy is born. "If the enemy does not surrender, they will destroy him." And this is not a national trait, but, unfortunately, a universal global trend. Its consequences can be minimized only on the basis of culture in the highest meaning of this word, the power of reason, that is, NOCRACIES.

Keywords: Yandex Heritage feed, Society Scientists, Education, Onoprienko V.I., Problems of Globalization, noocracy


Noocracy - a solution to the fundamental problems of globalization // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2020. – № 6;
URL: (Date Access: 15.01.2025).

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