The collection includes scientific reports presented at the International Scientific
practical conference "Russian World: the dynamics of scientific knowledge." It´s about filo
Sof´s comprehension of the current Russian world; considered cultural dynamics and
its social diversity is revealed; describes innovations in Russian education-
theory and practice, the state of the economy and culture; philology is analyzed in
aspect of the new self-determination.
The collection will be interesting to philosophers, politicians, sociologists, historians, and cultural
logs, philologists and educators, everyone who is ready to discuss the problems of approving a new mode-
whether the development of the Russian world.
UDC 001.6: 13 (063)
BBK 87.6ya431
Keywords: Russian world: the dynamics of scientific knowledge: a collection of articles by participants
R 89 of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (October 23-25, 2019) /
open ed. S.V. Napalkov; scientific ed. E.V. Valeeva; Arzamas branch of UNN, Russian World Foundation. - Arzamas: Arzamas branch of UNN, 2019 .-- 492 p.
ISBN 978-5-6042376-2-5
Russian world: the dynamics of scientific knowledge: a collection of articles by participants // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2019. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: