The published materials are the property of Russian culture, for which reason no one has personal copyright in relation to them. In the case of the appropriation of copyright in the manner prescribed by law by a legal or natural person, the perpetrator of this will face retribution for theft, expressed in an unpleasant “mysticism” that goes beyond jurisprudence. Nevertheless, everyone has the full right, on the basis of his own understanding of the public good, to copy and duplicate, including for commercial purposes, these materials in full or in fragments by all means available to him. Using these materials in his activities, when fragmenting them or citing them, he assumes personal responsibility, and if he creates a semantic context that distorts the meaning of these materials as integrity, he has a chance to encounter “mystical”, extrajudicial retribution.
Keywords: The work brought to the attention of the reader is an extremely short summary of the content of the socio-economic concept, an alternative to the clearly visible current disorder. Therefore, its name can be understood in both senses of the word "course":
• and as the recommended direction of travel, • and as an exposition of some knowledge in order to transmit it to those who lack knowledge.
Public safety concept // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2019. – № 1;
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