Scientific Journal

History Of Science
The noospheric ethical and environmental constitution of mankind is unique, etc.


© ®V.I. Onoprienko *, 10.20.2019 * V.I. Onoprienko, Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D. in Economics, Professor, Academician of the Noosphere Public Academy of Sciences, member of the Constitutional College of the Noosphere Ethical and Ecological Constitution of Humanity, member of the Noosphere Spiritual and Ecological Assembly of the World (NDEAM.NSEWA), Honored Worker of Science and Education .-http: // Lecture (installation) The noospheric ethical and environmental constitution of mankind (Noo-Constitution) is a specific tool of General Semantics, designed to achieve extensionalization - the transition from abstract concepts to specific objects and goals. The basic principles and provisions of the Noosphere ethical and environmental Constitution of mankind can be applied as legal forms of fundamental laws of the real world

Keywords: The basic principles and provisions of the Noosphere ethical and environmental Constitution of mankind can be applied as legal forms of the fundamental laws of the Real world


The noospheric ethical and environmental constitution of mankind is unique, etc. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2019. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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