Scientific Journal

Sociological Science
Global revision of the institution of property in the context of noospherism


Substitution of the concepts of the private as part of the general, and personal, individual - as an analogue and successor of the private leads to an unrighteous, sole ownership of part of public property, oblivion of the foundations of global justice in human society. Turning to the history of the formation of the institution of property, as well as revealing its essence in the context of the noosphere paradigm approach, in many ways allows us to present a “vision of the essence of being” in the global social, social and economic space under the conditions of a planetary onset of the era of noospherism. Baturin, Vladimir Stepanovich, 2012, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketova, (Karaganda city, Republic of Kazakhstan), © Onoprienko, Vladimir Ivanovich, 2012, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Grand PhD), Professor, Full member EUANH, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Moscow, Russia)

Keywords: noosphere and noosphere, world economic crisis, new world order, property, private, personal, revision of the institution of property, introduction to the philosophy of law


Global revision of the institution of property in the context of noospherism // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2019. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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