Myths and legends are a means of expressing the meaning and interpretation of the knowledge of the previous highly developed civilization of people on Earth. To make simple the great Truths of Nature and the abstract principles of natural laws, the vital forces of the Universe in the legends and myths of the ancient races were personified, became gods and goddesses. On the basis of a large scientific and historical material analyzed and revealed the meaning of the myth of the flying platform of Apollo Hyperborean and the legend of the goddess Leto, who gave birth to twins-Aphrodite and Apollo.
Keywords: life., sound coding, Goddess Hecate, Artemis, Apollo Hyperborean, goddess Leto
The semantics of the myth of Apollo Hyperborean, his flying platform and the Goddess Hecate-the female incarnation of the Creator of the Universe // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2019. – № 2;
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