Scientific Journal

Global semantics of the noosphere. Noosphere ethical and environmental constitution


General semantics is an interdisciplinary field. Interdisciplinarity is the intersection of areas while maintaining boundaries. Interdisciplinarity constructs a common model for the disciplines involved, based on the dialogue between them. The noospheric ethical and environmental constitution of mankind (Noo-Constitution) is a specific tool of General Semantics, designed to achieve extensionalization - the transition from abstract concepts to specific objects and goals. The basic principles and provisions of the Noosphere ethical and environmental Constitution of mankind can be applied as legal forms of the fundamental laws of the Real world.

Keywords: "The Noo-Constitution forms the legal foundations of the global paths of evolution of mankind and the biosphere as a new - Noosphere, geocosmic stage of development, " ... comes from the fundamental possibility of integrating nations, peoples, nationalities, social communities into a single, cosmically significant civilization - Humanity. "


Global semantics of the noosphere. Noosphere ethical and environmental constitution // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2019. – № 2;
URL: (Date Access: 13.03.2025).

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