Scientific Journal

Teaching Science
Teaching the 21st Century: Noosphere Mission


Thesis 1. Problems of development of the system of scientific and pedagogical knowledge, which will be armed with a teacher of the XXI century, are part of the problematic field of the formation of the noosphere education of the XXI century. Thesis 2. Humanity at the beginning of the XXI century turned out to be in the state of the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe [1] and, accordingly, global pathology [2], requiring a change in the entire system of values ​​and bases of human existence on Earth, transition the state of “Mind-for-Biosphere, Earth, Cosmos” and, accordingly, to a controlled socio-natural evolution (and harmony!) on the basis of social intelligence and a scientific educational society. Thesis 3. The mechanism of the transition to Noosphere development is the “System Teacher.” In this “System the Teacher”, the core remains the “Teaching”, i.e. Teacher with a capital letter. “Teaching” is the basic ontological moment in the existence of humanity, the basic dimension of human creative ontology. Therefore, pedagogical mastery is the deepest form of manifestation of human existence, its highest form, in which the creativeness of human being and teacher and the function of “human creation” are synthesized.

Keywords: report at the Novgorod State University. Yaroslav the Wise


Teaching the 21st Century: Noosphere Mission // Íîîñôåðà. Îáùåñòâî. ×åëîâåê. – 2019. – ¹ 3;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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