Scientific Journal

The law of advancing human progress of scientific and technological progress


The article argues the theoretical position that the law advances the progress of human scientific and technological progress, the violation of which, and this contributes to the process of dehumanization of man in the world of domination of capital, the market and the law of competition, makes scientific and technical progress itself into a mechanism of environmental self-destruction of humanity capitalist market grounds. But in order for this law to “earn” positively and humanity would be able to get out of the first phase of the Global Environmental Catastrophe, the market-capitalist system of organizing the world economy (in unity with the global financial capital of the world) must be replaced with ecologically-spiritual ecology socialism. This is the mission of the coming Epoch of the Great Evolutionary Fracture.

Keywords: LAW, progress, evolution, history, Man, humanity, Economy, Economy, capitalism, market, socialism, management, biosphere, noosphere, nature, plan, fracture, era, ecology, imperative, survival, Energy, information, intellect, Reason, science, Technology, Technology, information, competition, cooperation.


The law of advancing human progress of scientific and technological progress // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2019. – № 3;
URL: (Date Access: 31.01.2025).

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