Scientific Journal

Philosophy Of Science
Noospheric paradigm of universal evolutionism as a program of revolution unitary science XXI century.


Summary. The article reveals the logic and grounds of the Great paradigm revolution in the science at large and in the social studies, economy philosophy and economic science in par-ticular; it shows that the first phase of the Global ecological catastrophe limited the whole com-mercial-capitalist system of management on Earth and consequently to its supporting mind, the whole existing system of values and scientific knowledge.

Keywords: Key words: noosphere, Economy, ECONOMICS, Society, science, philosophy, evolution, rev-olution, market, capitalism, socialism, ecology, catastrophe, imperative, mind, intelligence, so-cial intelligence, Logic, paradigm.


Noospheric paradigm of universal evolutionism as a program of revolution unitary science XXI century. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2019. – № 4;
URL: (Date Access: 12.03.2025).

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