Now there are many God-Creators speaking through people. This is just one group and one channel. We encourage the search for additional material brought to Earth by other groups of God-Creators and other channels. In most cases, the material will be very close to this information. Keep in mind that communication between people and the Founders is energetic. A small part of their energy will envelop you while you read this word. Let that part of the energy that resonates with your soul come and help your awakening. We have provided a description of who the Founders are to themselves; it is proposed in the first message. As you read the different messages, you will begin to understand their origins and consciousness. The biggest problem in providing this information is communication from their sphere with ours so that the information is exhaustive and useful for human evolution.
Keywords: Sal Rachel, "Messages of the Founders", # levels of consciousness # embodiment # measurement # multidimensionality # multidimensional_ nature # vibration level # vibrational_frequency # perception # emotions # emotional_body # source # consciousness
Sal Rachel - Messages of the Founders // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2018. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: