The monograph presents: the scientific chronicle of formation and development
a new fundamental-applied direction in the Russian
Knowledge and cosmic anthropoecology - the study of living matter
and intellect in the "space-energy-time space". Kozyrev ", the result
You have many years of scientific research on transpersonal distance learning.
human interaction, conducted in the "Mirrors of Kozyrev"
IEM SB RAMS and the International Research Institute
volume space planetary anthropoecology. Academician V.P. Treasurer-
(Novosibirsk) in the Far North and many other regions of the Earth,
outlined the prospects for new research projects, cowith the Russian Space Society; is of interest asfor a wide range of readers, and for professionals.
УДК 338.2+314
ББК 20.1+60.7
Keywords: ill., 2018. - 80 s, monograph / A.V. Trofimov - SPb: Russian space Society, prospects, results, Mirrors in the holographic Kozyrev Universe: history, Trofimov A.V.
Mirrors in the holographic Kozyrev universe: history, results,
prospects // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2018. – № 4;
URL: (Date Access: