Scientific Journal

Philosophy Of Science
Man of the XXI century: on the path of noospheric formation


First, when we start talking about a man of the 21st century, whether we like it or not, we start talking about "a man in general", because in the "man of the XXI century" all "people" are present, that is, . the entire history of human development. Secondly, every century puts before a man his problems, challenges, tasks, solving which he ascends the steps of his progress, the stages of elevation in his spiritual, moral and intellectual development.

Keywords: referring to the image of a man of the 21st century, we must include in our logic of reflection some assessments of the future of the 21st century, that is, assessing its purpose, assessing the "challenges" that it carries in its content, as some "inquiries" to a person and certain "tests" on the correspondence of his mind and spirit to the very basis of his being on the earth


Man of the XXI century: on the path of noospheric formation // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2018. – № 5;
URL: (Date Access: 11.03.2025).

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