Scientific Journal

Psychological Science
Spiritual origins of the Russian Revolution. Bishop Mitrofan (Badanin)


The article of Bishop Mitrofan (Badanin), the ruling bishop of the North Sea diocese, is his report, read in autumn 2017 in Seveat the conference "X Feodorite Readings" dedicated to the centenary Russian Revolution. Lord Mitrofan touches on a rather complex topic - the spiritual origins of a special phenomenon in the history of mankind, called the "revolution". The author is looking for an answer to a question that is extremely topical in our time: what is the true source and engine of revolutionary processes, this sudden and large-scale aggravation of the spirit of rebellion, destruction and open hostility? The degree of "revolutionality" as a separate individual, and the whole country is directly proportional to the degree of deviation from God.


Spiritual origins of the Russian Revolution. Bishop Mitrofan (Badanin) // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2018. – № 5;
URL: (Date Access: 12.03.2025).

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