Scientific Journal

Geographical Sciences
Orthodox Eternal Russian Vedic Calendar - TSRVK.


The projects of the World calendars, which would suit all countries and peoples, are born or arise long ago. Their creators believe that such a calendar leads to a better understanding of each other and will help solve many everyday problems. In the human community, attempts are constantly being made to improve the existing calendar. Today we live according to the Gregorian calendar. The shortcomings of it every year are becoming more palpable. But how to fix them? What is the principle to use? What to take as a basis? What do you prefer? Any scheme of building a calendar has always positive aspects and disadvantages. How to solve this problem with the least changes, inferiority and consequences? These questions are the responsibility of the long-standing specialist in the field of geodesic and astronomical research of Mikhail Grigorievich Slivkin. To the proposed project of the calendar, he went for many years, collecting knowledge, understanding the problem and comparing existing calendars in the world, starting from 1995 to 2010. And only now I have decided to propose my project of the Orthodox (1) Eternal Russian Vedic Calendar TWG, for Russia and as WORLD for other countries. The transition to TAPI in a single country, for example Russia, or some other country, for example, Germany or Italy, etc., will not have negative consequences for contacts on a global scale. the proposed calendar project is combined with the current Gregorian calendar and in its scheme of the days of the year it is possible to place any calendar of the year and any country of the world in a combined way.

Keywords: St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad - Angarsk 1996 - 2010


Orthodox Eternal Russian Vedic Calendar - TSRVK. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2017. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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