Scientific Journal

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What happens in the mirrors Kozyrev-Kaznacheeva


What happens in the mirrors Kozyrev-Kaznacheeva? Bioinformation harmonizers based on "mirrors" Kozyrev-Kaznacheeva. " Experience of application. M .: Heavenly Lotus, 2016. - 36 p. The publication is devoted to little-known studies of the phenomenon "Mirror Kozyrev-Kaznacheeva" (K-mirrors), Held in the Moscow Center for Energy Information and Recreational Technologies (CERT) and Laboratory of integrated bioinformational technologies (LIBIT). The reader will get acquainted with the result- Which allowed to come closer to unraveling a number of paranormal phenomena. At the The objective control in the brochure clearly shows the extent to which the impact of mirror installations On the physiology and psyche of a person already today helps to harmonize the vital activity of the human Organism. The reader will become acquainted with the peculiarities of the application of bioinformation harmonizers (BIG) On the basis of "Kozyrev-Kaznacheyev´s mirrors", with working hypotheses explaining the essence of the phenomenon of K-mirrors, with Perspectives of studying the interaction of human consciousness with the Information field. All rights reserved and protected by the RF Law "On Copyright and Related Rights". Playback Materials of this publication or any part thereof without the written permission of the author is prohibited. When Citing a reference to the author and this publication is required.

Keywords: WHAT HAPPENS IN KOZYREV-KAZNACHEEVA MIRRORS Bioinformational harmonizers based on "Kozyrev-Kaznacheeva mirrors". Experience of application.
