Something entirely NEW is happening within us, within our planet, within the solar system, within the galaxy, within the universe and within the multiverse and Beyond. A NEW FREQUENCY is being emitted from the galactic center transitioning us from one time to another time. Holocene changed antropotsenom. Previous era lasted nearly 12,000 years. The man turned into a force that changed the face of the planet. Anthropocene Epoch. Children "Crystals" Children with special abilities, Child Cosmos, Child of the Universe. These new people were born recently - since 1995.
Keywords: Child of the Universe. In place of Homo sapiens Faber came Homo sapiens Anthropocene., Child Cosmos, author-composer
Keywords: Anthropocene Epoch. Children "Crystals" Children with special abilities, Child of the Universe: "I am the Anthropocene"
Vladimir Onopriyenko
Child of the Universe: "I am the Anthropocene"
// Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2013. – № 5;
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