Summarized the results of a study of the Dendera zodiac from the position of the universal law of conservation of life in space, allowed to give the answer to the mystery of the biblical ideas about "the beast", the "number of the beast," "the four horsemen of the Apocalypse", about the immortality of the spiritual nature and physical mortality of all forms of matter. The results of the study allow to predict climate change, changes to the sustainable growth path of the social system States, to predict regular changes in the way the spiritual evolution of humanity. The genetic unity of the world shows the presence of the spiral passage of time is associated with the creative process of creation to perfection.
Keywords: Dendera zodiac, the beast, the beast, the zodiacal year of life.
Of the biblical beast and his number: the book of life is written not by us // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2016. – № 2;
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