Scientific Journal

History of Telemedicine


BBK 53.49 + 76.32 61 UDC: 621.397.13 / .398 ISBN 978-1-77313-486-4 Vladzimirsky Anton V. Telemedicine: Curatio Sine Tempora et Distantia. - M., 2016. - 663 p. ISBN 978-1-77313-486-4 For the staff of medical and technical colleges, health care managers, practitioners, experts in biomedical engineering, students of postgraduate education, interns, graduate students, masters and students.

Keywords: We have set ourselves the following objectives: 1) To make a periodization of the development of telemedicine, explore terminogenez. 2) relatively to characterize the evolution of telemedicine in different geographical regions in the studied period. 3) To study the main stages of the methodology for telemedicine; identify the typical characteristics, features, trends and effectiveness. 4) Describe the role and contribution of individuals and groups in the development of tele-medicine. 5) Consider the formation of telemedicine as an integral part of health systems in a global perspective.


History of Telemedicine // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2016. – № 2;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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