New work Tulaeva Pavel Vladimirovich - candidate of historical sciences, professor, writer, the founder and publisher of the Russian international magazine "Athenaeum" (electronic version of the portal - on creativity, research and Evdokia Luchzarnovoy heritage.
Today, PV Tula - director of "Cultural Exchange Association," vice president "of the European Synergy" in Russia.
Keywords: the fate of Russia, the rhythms, the theory of the time, Sociology, philology, anthropology, cosmology, RADASTEYA, Russian world, philosophy cosmism, Russian Space Art, Evdokia Luchezarnova, IRLEM, Evdokia Marchenko, Luchezarnova philosophy rhythmology, Russian breakthrough philosophy Luchezarnovoy, the origins of the Slavic world
New worlds Evdokia Luchezarnovoy // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2016. – № 2;
URL: (Date Access: