Scientific Journal

Political Science
The image of the future of the world: the project of a new socio-economic system


Issue AT received from the collective of anonymous authors of the project of a new social and economic system in several languages with a request to publish it on the pages of the publication. After reading it, we decided that it is necessary not just to publish and discuss, but also to open a separate line on the pages of the Academy, entitled: Vision of the Future World. It´s time. The world has become so interdependent in the last 10-15 years, we can no longer consider the future of Russia is the future of the world. We can not solve strategic problems of Russia´s development, not changing the world.

Keywords: The image of the future of the world: the project of a new socio-economic system


The image of the future of the world: the project of a new socio-economic system // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2016. – № 2;
URL: (Date Access: 22.12.2024).

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