Qualimetry: small encyclopedia
/ AI Subetto. - Vol. 1. - SPb. :
CPI SZIU - Phil. RANHiGS, 2015. - 244 p.
VV Lukoyanov - Dr. Sc. Science, Dr. psychol. Science, Dr. ped. Sciences, Professor (International Academy of Harmonious Development of Man (UNESCO), St.Petersburg);
D. A. Zhukov - Dr. Sc. , Professor (MGUPI)
The first issue of a small encyclopedia includes basic concepts of quality control as the science of measuring and assessing the quality of any objects and processes in the sphere of human activity and society, reflecting and revealing the philosophical and methodological, ideological base formation synthetic paradigm of quality control, which is developed by the author since the mid 70s years. Twentieth century. in synthetic form of quality control. Encyclopedia addressed to professionals working in the management and assessment processes involved.
ISBN 978-5-89781-530-2
UDC 005 (03)
At BBK 496-823
With 890
Keywords: qualimetry, small encyclopedia
Qualimetry: small encyclopedia // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2016. – № 4;
URL: www.es.rae.ru/noocivil/243-1475 (Date Access: