Scientific Journal

Medical Sciences
David Frawley. Ayurvedic therapy.


The book details the causes and treatment of many diseases. The emphasis is on treatment with herbs, diet and lifestyle. Separately considered mental disorders, including drug-related and practice yoga. There is a chapter devoted to the care of the health of children and the elderly. Descriptions of Ayurvedic herbal and mineral preparations, methods of use in the treatment of oils, spices, precious stones. DEDICATION In each of us there is the archetype of the divine healer: he and only he really heals not only the individual, but also to all living beings. To treat yourself or others, we must give him a free hand within themselves. In Ayurvedic tradition, this truth represents Dhanvantari - the incarnation of the god Vishnu, the eternal Divine Consciousness. It is decorated with statues of the majority of Ayurvedic schools and clinics. He recalled that no matter how extensive the knowledge and skills we may possess, the ultimate success depends on the goodwill of us the spiritual forces of the universe. This book is dedicated to the Divine Healer, who lives in each of us.

Keywords: Ayurveda, therapy, noosfera


David Frawley. Ayurvedic therapy. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2016. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: 14.03.2025).

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