The novelty of this paper is to develop a theory of the forms of justice: universal, general, private, and inter-generational evolutionary, historical, ethnic, in targeted programs of social action in the cycles of transformation in geopolitics and international relations, law, the content of which forms the economic and regional reproduction model ; axiomatic introduction in the reproduction model, which defines the quantitative parameters of justice; in bringing compatibility, derivability and adherence to justice ethnic models corresponding to the axioms of the reproduction model in which the problem of social and cultural dynamics are also considered as a functional modularization relations of justice in Eurasia.
Keywords: Reproduction model, genetic, general, private, demographic, historical, International, divine justice model, which is higher than the efficiency, and correctness is above the benefits.
The theory of natural justice // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2016. – № 1;
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